My weekend.
What a small statement for something so much better. This weekend was the HSC (Homeschool aSsociation of California) Conference. In short, the most bestest place for homeschoolers ever in California ever because there are all these cool workshops that are awesome, some taught by teens, some by adults, and I went to few and I even taught one!!
*Big breath in*
Oh... My bad, that wasn't very short was it? No matter...
Let me start again. The conference is held every year at the Raddison Hotel in Sacramento California, around this time. Homeschoolers from all over the state come and stay for the weekend.
Many of them teach workshops, ranging VASTLY in topics from things like Playing Card Wallets to Yoga to Storytelling and MUCH, MUCH more.
The workshops are taught, some by teens, some by adults, and offered to different age groups... Teen, Family, and Adult, or any combination therein. This year, for the 3rd year in my 7 years of going, I taught a workshop as well! But unlike past years, where I taught Tapetomancy (Duck tape flowers, wallets and the like), I did a lecture of "In Depth Dungeon Mastery". For all of you not familiar with the term, it pretty much means how to run a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
Not going to get into it, but it went amazingly...
So, I had an amazing time, and made a ton of friends. I also hung out with the TCC (Teen Conference Committee) who do all the planning that goes into the teen experience at the conference. I had a few friends on it this year, and I helped out a lot with setting up their stuff, and doing other grunt work... It was a blast getting to know them, and I was offered a position on next years' Committee!! So that will be amazing.
Now, the Teen Conference is an amazing thing in and of itself. It starts with the talent show Thursday night (Toast was sang, loved by all) and then goes on Friday morning at the teen opening. There the teens get to know each other a bit, play some games, and start the assassin game.
At the start of the game, everyone gets a small feltfoam knife, and writes their name on it... They are then shuffled around, and handed back. For the rest of the conference, you must find the person whose knife you hold, and if you do They're dead, and you get the knife they were looking for, the cycle then continues...
Anyways, on to the people. The conference is, I think, one of the only places I can feel truly myself at, because for every ounce of weird I have, the rest of the people have it too!!
I played Magic, I went to a Blues dance class, a D&D workshop, and one day I helped Joshua with his Real Life Super Mario Bros. Workshop. It was one of the highlights of the whole conference, and not just for me, but for everyone who went to it.
So that was awesome...
In other news, I'm redesigning my steampunk costume to be a stage tech. Fitting, huh?
So that's pretty much it... I'm planning out what to teach next year, as well as balance everything else in my life...
So long for now!!