Monday, September 10, 2012


Dear friends,

Every story needs a beginning. Now, most stories have an end all worked out ahead of time, storyboards, that sort of thing.

This, however, is a blog.

Sorry to burst your bubble there, but it had to happen sooner or later, right?

I'm never really good with beginnings... If you know me well, you know that I wish I could just tell every part of the story at once. Beginning, middle and end, Dr. Manhattan style.

Alas, I cannot, so this will have to do.

As I'm writing this, it is 4 days before I leave. I'm going to Hawaii, to stay at Polestar Gardens for two whole months (for those of you at home reading this, that's a full 100% longer than my trip last year, to Argentina, blog linked).

I'm not sure how it'll be, but after last year, I'm feeling VERY confident in my ability to travel out of the country. Yes, I know, Hawaii is in the US. I meant travel out of the continental US. Sheesh, give a guy a break?

But I digress.

A few weeks ago, most of my of-age friends started college. And with it came all the posts from happy parents, excited teens, you know the story... And it got me thinking. What have I done with my life so far? Stuff like: "All these people are going to college, why aren't YOU?" and "Look! He/she's super successful as a ______, what are YOU good at?". And it REALLY got me down.

And then, that most wonderful part of me slapped the other part of me in the mental face, and said this:

"DUDE. You're not going to college this semester because you're going to live in freaking HAWAII for two freaking months to follow your dreams of becoming a professional stage tech! You HAVE been attending college for the past TWO years, and it's there that you decided what to do with your life! How many people can say that they knew what they wanted to do with their lives at age 16? Not many..."

And so that snapped me out of it, and I've been going strong ever since. I may get the occasional jitters now and again, but seriously, who wouldn't?

I think this concludes my first post, and I'm gonna try to get one up every day, both before I leave, and once I'm there. Maybe some pictures will be taken, maybe not...

This, however, IS the last sentence.

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