So, this'll be a recap of yesterday and today, and a bit more to boot.
Yesterday, I was pulling more weeds (shocker, right? I'm so sick of that already :P), and Michael calls me and says that he's taking me to do a dump run from the house his crew are building. So we drive over there, and then when we get there, I meet some of his crew, but mostly stay out of their way and fill his truck with sheetrock, scrap plywood and garbage bags. Then we take 'em to the local dump, unload them and drive to Pahoa (the closest town). We stop at a deli and I get a Chicken Cordon Bleu.
MEAT. It is so delicious. And everything I've hoped for.
Once we're done at the market, we drive over to Hilo (about 30 minutes away) and Michael stops to get gas, points me towards the closest Walmart (needed a pillow) and then tells me he's going to the local Home Depot, and points that out to me too.
Now, let me preface this with a few points. Firstly: The pillow I had was terrible. No neck support and tiny. I had been stuffing my jacket into the pillowcase just to get more fluff. Also, on an unrelated note, I had been looking for ponies.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is one of my favorite shows. Laugh all you want, it isn't solely for little girls, and this permutation is different than it predecessors, as depicted in these articles:
- Why My Little Pony Is No Longer a Little Filly's Show
- Why I'm a brony
- PBS special on how MLP:FiM is changing the idea of masculinity
- Growing trend of military bronies, and why
- Comparison of the older ponies to the newer ponies
- Lauren Faust (creator of newer ponies) explains how she made this show to NOT be stupid girly nonsense
This is a really important issue to me, and if you just laugh it off as weird, that makes me sad... Yes mom, you too.
Anyways. On the hunt for ponies. I had been to pretty much every Target, Walgreen's and Walmart in Sonoma county, and in each one I'd go to the toy isle, and look for trading cards or pony figures, just to have... But to no avail. Nowhere I looked had any. Ever.
And when I went to the Walmart, they didn't either. I bought my pillow, and headed toward Home Depot.
As I walk, I pass a Target and decide to just look, with no real hopes. AND THEY HAVE THEM!!! I buy 8 "blind bag ponies" meaning that it is a sealed, opaque bag with a pony figure inside, but you don't know which one...
So I get them, and head over to meet Michael. We get done waiting for paint to get done mixing we drive back to Polestar and set up some stuff for tomorrow's (Saturday's) work.
That's pretty much it for Thursday, and as for today, we went to another community, and helped THEM weed instead, then came home and played volleyball. I had my first starfruit this afternoon too, and I think I'm addicted. Those things are so good.
Well, That's enough for now, I'll try to keep up once a day again...
And if you scoffed at the links I put up without reading the articles... That's all the more reason to read them. Who knows... You might like them!
Ahem. I was not laughing, nor scoffing. And I watched the PBS special and learned things. So there. ;)