Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In which our hero moves rocks and paints stuff.

Yesterday I went to bed and thought, as my shoulder ached, my legs and feet hurt, and my arms burned:

"I don't want to do this anymore." But then I thought to myself "Harry, this is just your first day. You still have so many to go, why bother hating it from the beginning! Tomorrow's a new day." And I went so sleep with a smile.

This morning, I woke at 5, and texted mom for a short time, before, without warning, falling asleep, missing the ENTIRE pre-breakfast routine. I was pissed at myself, but I needed the sleep, so I went to breakfast, and everyone understood... We talked about what to do today and then set out.

More weeding. Today's was easier though, as I knew what I was doing.

After about 2 hours of that, I finish my Camelbak, no mean feat. 2 liters of water, gone.

Once I refill it, I return and everyone who was weeding goes over to the upper field and we all start hunting rocks. The mower will mess itself up if it hits them, so we were hunting for them, armed with pickaxes.

Rocks are heavy. Even if they're just pumice. They're freaking heavy.

Another 2 hours of that, and we think we found most of them, but there are always more...

Lunch time. Home made guacamole with avocados I picked myself!! Best I've ever had, needless to say...

After that, I helped Christye paint some benches, and we had a lovely talk on the essence of religion (she was raised Protestant, I'm atheist, or at least agnostic Jewish). Benches look lovely now, and dried in seconds thanks to the balmy, perfect weather.

Took an nap after that, and then was invited to go with some people to the warm pond. It's a big pool of water, with lava tubes underground, so it's a lovely 90 degrees, so not too hot and not cold by a long shot. Perfect water, crystal clear, and the tide was coming in, so big waves make the edge colder, but still nice.

Came home, and guess what?? I took another nap. I should get more sleep tonight...

Dinner was yummy. I'm not sure what to call it, it was like a curry, but not so much... Tasty either way. I had a great time explaining my meditation history to everyone, and they seemed really into it! This group of people is awesome, and always fun to be around, something which I couldn't be happier about. Lots of camaraderie.

And here I am! All done for the night, on to tomorrow's adventure!

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