Monday, September 17, 2012

When it rains

Before I talk about my day, I need to say this: I don't usually like rain.

That said, the rain here... well it isn't unpleasant, not by a long shot. but there is one whole hell of a lot of it. I think, just today, it rained about an inch.

In one day. That's a lot of rain. When they said it was on the "wet side" of the island, I didn't take them seriously... Now I'm worried that I'll mold before I get home...

But on to the day...

I awoke at the dignified hour of 5am, but (and thank his holiness the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster for this) my jet lag still had me thinking it was only 8, so it wasn't as hard for me as I expected it to be...

Last night, I set my alarm to go off at 5, 5:15, and 5:30, just so I  could make sure I'd wake up on time.

Wide awake at 5, decide to close my eyes for a sec, just to be in bed a bit longer. What feels like an eternity later, I'm worrying I missed my alarm, so I open my eyes to see what time it is...

5:04. I had put myself into a meditative state, and my though processes had all sped up to ridiculous speeds...

Well, I eventually get out of bed, and make my way over to the lawn and Michael shows me how do to their energizing workout, and the sun comes up.

When that's all over, we go up and have my first meditation. Now, I've had some experience meditating before, but this is a whole new style, with chanting and prayer. Way different from the "30 minutes of silence" that I'm used to. And you know what? I like my silence...

That being said, after the meditation, and breakfast,  we all sat in a circle in the house and planned out what needed to get done, and then we dispersed to get ready for that.

Michael, Joseph and I were starting to move logs from one place to another, when the sky just opened up. Dumping rain for a solid half an hour. So, after 10 minutes, we decide to do something else, and that is weeding around the property.

I get a knife, and I'm shown what to cut. It's this giant weed-grass called canegrass, or something of the like. Stands like 7-8 feet tall, and is EVERYWHERE. We work for like 4 hours, and we cut around everything we set out to do, which is awesome.

I then have lunch. Pretty tasty, homemade pesto on pasta and salad.

After that comes one more hour of work, this time picking avocados. Difficult for me, being colorblind, but I get some help, and everyone has a good time.

Then, once I was done, I took a short nap, as I was more tired than I've been in a long time.

I woke myself up to go to some evening meditations and exercises. They were alright, but some part of it didn't sit well with me inside... Gonna have to look into that more...

Dinner came after that, and then here I am, writing this to you!

It's been one hell of a day, but the kicker is it all happens again tomorrow. We'll wee how this works out ;)

1 comment:

  1. This is how your day SHOULD have ended...after picking the succulent, ripe avocados, I ate them all and was happy forever. The End. : ) Keep rock.
